Achieve greater efficiency and savings by digitising your assets

Achieve greater efficiency and savings by digitising your assets

According to the most relevant analysts in the market, Digitalisation is the key to a major leap in digital strategy and the guarantee of achieving efficiencies within asset management:

  • 32% of Spanish industrial companies are in an advanced state of
  • 76% of executives intend to increase their investments in digitisation and implement more Industry 4.0
  • 17% of maintenance managers are already using some state-of-the-art technology and a further 47% will be using it in the next 3 years, rising to 64% by

At IDP, we move towards digital transformation, providing technological solutions focused on the digitisation of assets and the automation of processes throughout their lifecycle, whether it is an industry, an infrastructure or a building.

Why Digitise

In our extensive experience, the digitisation process involves a transformation of the way an organisation’s assets are planned, designed, operated and maintained. The benefits to be gained from such a transformation are usually found in four axes or levels:

Level 1 of Information Management for Decision Making (information dimension):

  • Joint data analysis capability (360° view)
  • Reduced loss of information
  • Real-time data updates
  • Access to historical information
  • Metrics tracking
  • KPI and Scorecard Reporting
  • Making immersive 360-degree videos with real information
  • Optimising productivity and consistency of information

Level 2 asset optimisation and efficiency (physical dimension):

  • Readily available assets
  • Updated assets
  • Increased reliability
  • Energy saving
  • Reduction of unavailability
  • MTBF optimisation
  • Increased useful life of assets
  • Reducing inventory costs

Level 3 of procedure management (operational dimension)

  • Increased inventory control
  • Improved control of documentation
  • Cost monitoring and reporting
  • Scheduled predictive maintenance
  • Simplification of maintenance tasks
  • Ease of cost impact analysis (what if)
  • Real-time simulations
  • Virtual Reality walk to work in an interactive way
  • Visualisation of maintenance histories
  • Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
  • Proactive maintenance
  • Maintenance planning
  • Integrity in the operation of assets
  • Standardised work processes
  • Optimised maintenance schedule
  • Avoidance of rework
  • Use Mobile Web App and hololens
  • Real-time displays
  • VIMS (Virtual IoT Maintenance System)
  • Remote tele-assistance

People Management Level 4 (organisational dimension)

  • Assets integrated with customer systems
  • Greater alignment with business needs
  • Increased safety at work
  • Training in working procedures
  • Improving access to resources
  • Increased coordination between teams
  • Digital end-to-end asset management
  • Automation of routine tasks

 How we do it

The digitisation process is key to the success of the investments undertaken by the client. At the end of the day, all our clients start from a common challenge, which is usually the knowledge of the details of the current infrastructure available (at different levels of maturity depending on each client), in order to achieve the efficiency of these assets in terms of current and future costs, both in terms of infrastructure and equipment, and their impact on the organisation.


In this phase IDP analyses and defines the objectives of Digitalisation in the organisation according to four lines of action:

  • Analysis: Concretisation of strategy and objectives, organisation and type of assets and projects, and thus information flows and
  • BEP: Definition of the company’s BIM standards and protocols
  • Tender documents: BIM requirements to be included in tenders
  • Training: Training segmented by profile and roles, customised to day-to-day

Field work

Carrying out an in situ visual reconnaissance of the area that is the object of the projection. Reconnaissance for the identification and characterisation of the elements of greatest singularity and/or interest, and identification of the scanning positions necessary to capture all those elements to be modelled in subsequent phases.

Point Cloud

Laser scanning or digital photogrammetry with capture of millions of points positioned three-dimensionally in space. The point clouds form the physical entity and represent its external surface. Through information regarding the colour and reflectivity of each point of the material, IDP obtains the necessary information for the metric definition of the scanned surfaces.

Works in Offices

This work phase involves recording the different scanning positions, filtering out redundant or erroneous data, obtaining all the points with their position and even producing the 3D point cloud model corresponding to the existing reality and compatible with BIM technology for subsequent modelling.

Information Integration

To the geometric information IDP adds the different formats of available information, photos, sketches, measurements and annotations that are organised and interpreted to obtain an integral 3D map, in a format that can be directly imported into a point cloud viewer software.

BIM modelling

Once the Point Cloud is obtained, IDP adjusts, treats and imports the information into a BIM platform to start the final 3D modelling process. For this, IDP uses different 3D modelling software, each one suitable for each discipline of the model, both the civil part and the architecture, structures, facilities and equipment, having the geometric and parametric information necessary for the use of the model.

Virtual Reality

In this phase IDP builds Virtual Reality models in which the user will be able to navigate as they would in the corresponding physical environments, with absolute correspondence to the real physical models. It also builds augmented reality models where the physical models are superimposed on the digital models. A very frequent use of these models can be found in the field of virtual training (Intelligent Training Systems).

Where to apply digitisation

Finally, IDP has extensive experience in Digitalisation processes in a multitude of sectors and in a multitude of companies.

IDP’s team of professionals are eager to know the state of technological evolution in order to help you in the challenge you are facing at the moment