BIM 5D for the management of costs

BIM 5D for the management of costs

BIM is a tool that revolutionizes the construction sector with very significant savings as it puts all works’ actors online, from the architect to the supplier, allowing a reduction of the deviations to the minimum, regarding both time and costs. In addition, it allows having a more efficient collaborative and transparent model.

Within BIM methodology, costs are linked with the design and the goal is to implement the same precision parameters during the entire constructive process, from the design to the construction and later management.

This digital model allows the integration of the 3D model with the time scheduling (4D), the cost-budget (5D), the sustainability and energy analysis (6D) and with the Facility Management systems (7D).

The 5D covers the project’s costs’ control and expenses estimate, and is closely related with the improvement of the project’s profitability in addition to being one of the most important added value the use of BIM provides. Moreover, the 5D allows managing costs in a much smoother and faster way than with 2D traditional methodology, and it allows re-calculating them as the project is developed, obtaining continuous reports with the possible corrections and variants.


Projects developed with this level of information allow stakeholders to:

  • Assess different design proposals and their adjustments as the project evolves.
  • Generate gauges automatically.
  • Keep and control key information of the model.
  • Monitor in real-time the costs of each project’s phase, from the design to the project’s execution, construction and exploitation & maintenance phases.
  • Carry out the monitoring of the investments in all the works.
  • Eliminate unexpected expenses.

The Engineering Group IDP commits itself to the use of BIM to manage more efficiently the multiple new-construction and refurbishment projects that it carries out simultaneously around the world.

IDP has developed working protocols gathered in the BEP (BIM Execution Plan) so that the several agents that participate in the project can develop their models with the vital goal of obtaining precise gauges of each of the works. In addition, it has taught all these agents to guarantee the correct modelling of the elements in order to later unify the different fields and to obtain an overall and reliable budget.

Once more, the group IDP shows its commitment with the BIM management of its projects, analysing its clients’ needs according to the use of BIM that is required.