Celebrating European Diversity Month 2024
In May, we celebrate European Diversity Month, an initiative of the European Commission and the EU Diversity Charter Platform. This celebration aims to promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace and society at large, as well as raise awareness of the benefits of diversity and inclusion.
The Diversity Charter is a project promoted by the Diversity Foundation and the Representation of the European Commission in Spain. It defines 10 principles that, voluntarily, companies and institutions assume, committing themselves to promoting equality, diversity and inclusion in the workplace and business.
This Charter aims to raise awareness and promote equal opportunities and respect for diversity, and to integrate people with diverse profiles, regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, nationality, religion, beliefs, age, disability, or any other personal or social circumstance.
As signatories of the Diversity Charter, the IDP Group and all its member companies (Ecointegral, Indutec and IDP) are committed to these principles, and we integrate them into our ESG strategy, culture and daily actions.
Our commitment to the Diversity Charter:
At IDP Group, we carry out various initiatives to promote diversity and inclusion, including:
- Selection and hiring: We promote fair and transparent selection practices that avoid unconscious bias.
- Opportunity for young talent: We collaborate with institutes and universities in internship or scholarship programs to encourage young people to enter the labor market.
- Professional development: We offer development and training opportunities for all workers, regardless of their background or personal circumstances.
- Inclusive culture: We create an inclusive work environment where all people feel valued and respected.
- Work-life balance: We implement measures that favour the reconciliation of personal and work life, such as flexible working hours, holiday choice, hybrid work, etc.
- Zero tolerance for harassment and discrimination: We have an Equality and Labour Insertion Plan and an Action Protocol on the Prevention and Treatment of Sexual Harassment, to detect and eradicate any discriminatory situation or situation harmful to the rights of workers.
At IDP Group, we are convinced that a diverse and inclusive work environment brings us more creativity, innovation and competitiveness. That’s why, with your help, we’ll continue to work to make our companies a place where everyone feels valued and respected, and to promote a fairer and more equal society.