DIGITAL4WATER presents the conference “Digital Twin EDAR Cambrils” at the SCEWC 2019 in Barcelona

Jaime Polo, General Manager of New Business IDP and Juan Rubio, Head of Planning & Asset Management Unit of Aqualogy (SUEZ), representing DIGITAL4WATER, will present on November 20th at 6pm, the conference “DIGITAL TWIN EDAR CAMBRILS” in the SmartCatalonia agora at the Smart City Expo World Congress 2019.
Smart City Expo World Congress will be held from 19 to 21 November in the city of Barcelona and aims to be the meeting point between experts, technology industries, public administrations and research and technology centres, where to share knowledge and experience to develop the cities of the future, promote dynamic actions to enable a sustainable future and address the main challenges that cities must overcome: digital transformation, urban environment, mobility, governance and finance and inclusive and shared cities.
SmartCatalonia, composed of three departments of the Generalitat de Catalunya, has designed a space of more than 600 m2 that will host numerous technology companies and innovation centers and in which innovative technology simulations will be made in a tour of the city of the future. The space will also host different presentations where we will discover the main novelties developed in some of the most innovative projects in the Smart Cities sector.
DIGITAL4WATER (SUEZ & IDP) will present “DIGITAL TWIN EDAR CAMBRILS”, a project in which the BIM digitization of the physical infrastructure of the Cambrils wastewater treatment plant and its maintenance, operation and security tasks has been carried out. The station has a design flow of 25,000 m3/day and a population equivalent of 125,000 inhabitants.
The implementation of the Digital Twin allows optimizing the management of the plant, achieving savings of 20% in maintenance.
The methodology used consisted of:
- Survey of the existing infrastructure using laser scanners
- 3D BIM modeling of the infrastructure by adding parametric information of all its components.
- Digitization of maintenance databases, monitoring of operations and security procedures
- Integration of the 3D BIM model with the O&M databases
- Implementation of the Digital Twin web application for the digital exploitation of the infrastructure, incorporating a scorecard of indicators and alerts for decision making.
Implementing asset digitization means taking an important step in the digital strategy and ensures even more effective asset management.