IDP Collaborates in the Executive Master in Digital Twins for Infrastructures and Cities

IDP Collaborates in the Executive Master in Digital Twins for Infrastructures and Cities

IDP collaborates in the International Executive Master in Digital Twins for Infrastructures and Cities, an innovative project that marks the convergence of technology and civil engineering, offered by the DIGITWINS4CIUE consortium.

Digital Twins for Complex Infrastructures and Urban Ecosystems, DIGITWINS4CIUE, is a project co-funded by the European Union that aims to drive the transformation of civil engineering and the built environment towards a more digital and sustainable industry, accelerating the adoption of new digital technologies through the digital twins of infrastructures.

The Master is issued by leading European universities in the fields of civil engineering, architecture and computer sciences: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain), École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées (France), Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem (Hungary) and Istanbul Technical University (Turkey). It is born with the purpose of training future leaders of the civil engineering and construction industry with a focus on digital transformation and providing students with hands-on experience in the latest digital technologies, including the use of digital twins for infrastructure planning and management. It aims to equip students with the skills and knowledge to drive the digital and sustainable transformation of industry and become agents of change.

In this context, IDP, a leading engineering company with more than 25 years of experience in the sector and a benchmark in BIM and Digital Twins, joins the programme with the aim of promoting innovation, facilitating the dissemination of these advances throughout the industry and collaborating in the training of professionals who will lead the digital transformation of civil engineering. In addition, IDP will participate in lectures and use cases that will be taught within the Master’s program, promoting quality education relevant to the current challenges of the sector.

The collaboration between DIGITWINS4CIUE and IDP represents an important step forward in the pursuit of innovation and excellence in the construction and infrastructure sectors. The unique strengths and capabilities of both organizations create an unbeatable environment for the exchange of knowledge and innovative solutions.