IDP is awarded the STEFAN R&D project within the framework of the CDTi’s CIEN programme

IDP coordinates the STEFAN project: Tribological Solutions in the Railway Sector, which has been considered a CIEN Strategic Project by the Board of Directors of the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology CDTi of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.
The project aims to promote the development of new technological solutions in the field of materials, tribology and ICTs in order to achieve a main objective which is the development of advanced solutions to address the above-mentioned problems which directly affect both the behaviour and the durability of the rolling stock of the operators and the railway tracks.
IDP is leading the project and will be in charge of the development of BIM-GIS modelling with the aim of centralising all the project information in a digital information model that can be accessed by each of the different agents involved.
The project is integrated by a consortium formed by ArcelorMittal, Brugarolas, NBI Bearings Europe S.A., Grupo Técnico RIVI S.L. and IDP and has the collaboration of two final users represented by Metro Sevilla and Metro Barcelona (TMB), who are part of the project’s Scientific Committee and are involved in the definition of problems, definition of requirements and validation of solutions in real working conditions. The Consortium and the Scientific Committee have the collaboration of the IK4-Tekniker technology centre and a Public Research Organist-IPO represented by the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV).