IDP participates in the HYCOOL-IT innovation project for the energy optimisation of IT rooms

The IDP Group participates in the innovation project, HYCOOL-IT “HYbrid COOLing & management for IT infrastructures” Funded by the EU and framed in the call: HORIZON-CL5-2023-D4-01-04, whose main objective is to propose a standardized comprehensive set of processes, digital tools and advanced adsorption equipment to achieve thermal management and energy optimization of tertiary buildings with IT rooms with high energy demand.
To address these challenges, HYCOOL-IT will develop a new set of solutions to better understand the challenges of thermal management of computer server rooms, the project also focuses on a first-class modular adsorption solution to recover and valorise excess heat.
IDP will participate in this project by developing an ecosystem of ICT and software solutions for the assessment of software interoperability to demonstrate the implementation of IoT and other elements to contribute to building HYCOOL-IT ecosystems and promote data-driven decisions of tertiary buildings among decision-makers.
The project will be implemented over a period of 36 months and is made up of a consortium of high-level companies and institutions from Spain, Italy, Germany, Belgium and Poland.