IDP participates in the round table on digital transformation organised by Schneider Electric

Enric Blasco, CEO of IDP has participated in the round table on digital transformation organised within the annual day that Schneider Electric has organised in Barcelona with the 200 executives of the Spanish and Portuguese multinational.
The table has been chaired by Partick Gaonach, Country President of Schneider Electric for Spain and Portugal, and has counted with the participation of Gas Natural Technology Innovation Manager Mónica Puente, Dell Business Solutions Manager Eulalia Flo, Acuaes Project Manager Miguel Angel Román and Enric Blasco.
Enric mentioned that nowadays, companies cannot consider the adaptation to this new scene anymore as there is no other way of renewing and competing than through digital transformation; he brought up the fact that companies in Spain that have embraced digitalization have registered a 39% sales increase.
In the specific case of IDP, Enric explained that digitalization through the implementation of BIM technology has meant:
- An outstanding improvement in productivity,
- A better relation with the client,
- A boost in multi-disciplinary and team work in a 100% collaborative environment,
- A reason for the innovation culture within our organization,
- A competitive advantage in front of our competitors
- And a generation of new income sources not regarded previously
We should remember that IDP is a world-wide reference in BIM technology providing added value to all its projects, aiming to provide its clients with a better service and nowadays employs a multi-disciplinary team of more than 300 technicians, developing projects in 34 countries of 4 continents (Africa, America, Asia and Europe) both for the public and private sectors.