IDP presents its new corporate structure
IDP Group has held in Sabadell its 2017 annual meeting of the Spanish delegation, where last 2016 exercise’s balance was presented in addition to the present state of the 2012-2020 strategic plan being halfway, the new corporate structure and the organizational changes that shall allow boosting the strategic plan with a 2020 horizon.
The Corporate Management Committee led by its CEO Enric Blasco is composed by Jesús Blasco, General Business Manager who will be responsible for the country managers and the commercial management; Carlos Pascual, Operations General Manager who will be responsible for the technical services and production organisation; Daniel Obiol, Corporate Services General Manager, in charge of finances, legal, HHRR, IT and quality issues; and Jaime Polo, New Businesses General Manager, who will boost R+D, BIM technology and special projects. Moreover, Aleix Vila has been appointed IDP Spain Manager.
This new organization will allow keep on achieving the objectives defined in the 2012-2020 strategic plan, having completely fulfilled the milestones set for 2016:
- Regarding internationalization, IDP is present in 4 countries (Spain, Brazil, Peru and Chile), one more than what was set in the objectives, and it has developed projects in 26 countries this year. Setting as an goal for 2020 to have a stable presence in 2 more Latin-American countries and the entrance into the Anglo-Saxon market.
- Regarding the turnover, the aimed numbers for 2016 has been exceeded by a 14%, reaching a turnover of 10,6 M€, and setting for 2017 a turnover of 13,3 M€. This means achieving the strategic plan’s goals one year before.
- Regarding diversification of products and services, IDP has got into fields like the heavy industry (cement, mining…), ports and railway, complete water cycle, and hospital field amongst others.
- Regarding innovation, IDP has become a global reference in the use of BIM (Building Information Modelling) technology, and has achieved during this period funding from the EU to address great innovation projects such as IPAN, HERMES, Intermodel, DoF and Metgrow amongst many other.
Enric Blasco has pointed out that “with this new structure we want to achieve a turning point in the continuous improvement of the organization to achieve our vision to be a leading company in engineering, environment and architecture transnational technical services through the use of BIM technology, providing our team and clients with the most efficient, innovative and responsible solutions that allow making our organization more competitive”.