Conference: Recovery of areas degraded by solid waste in landfills in rural areas (Peru)

The Forestry Engineering Chapter of the Lima Departmental Council of the College of Engineers of Peru is organising the conference: “Recovery of Areas Degraded by Solid Waste in Dumps in Rural Areas” on Tuesday 12 April”
Alejandro Grande, Director of IDP Peru, will explain the 12 projects that IDP is carrying out for the Peruvian Ministry of Environment, for the closure of dumps located in 8 regions of the country and the recovery of areas degraded by solid waste.
In order to carry out these projects, IDP has developed in Peru new aspects in waste projects, such as the methodology to be applied in the necessary tests to determine the impact on the environment, the use of electrical tomography for leachate detection, the controls and monitoring to be carried out once the dumps are closed, sealing with bentonite geosynthetic blanket, the use of BIM methodology, the 3D model of the closure geometry, among others.