Consulting Covid-19

Manage a new reality with a vision
The situation we are going through because of the Covid-19 pandemic is testing the resilience of all systems and companies, which have to manage their activity in a new reality under great pressure.
The top priority for institutions and companies is to guarantee the safety and health of their professionals and clients, as well as the stability of their activity.
Given the extraordinary nature of the situation, new questions arise:
- What should I do to safely resume activity?
- How do I adapt the spaces to ensure personal distance?
- What measures should I take to protect the health of workers and customers on my premises?
- How do I adapt the flow of people to minimize contagion?
- How can I be prepared for future crises?
- …
To do this, we launched a new comprehensive consulting service with solutions for the creation and management of covid-19 free spaces, through the Digital Twin, with the aim of ensuring the safety of people in all areas of activity.
Main objectives
- Assess the current situation.
- Identify and raise critical elements in all areas and with a comprehensive vision.
- Analyze and define solutions that guarantee the health of workers and clients, as well as facilitate decision making.
- Execute the action plan focused on the digitalization of spaces and the implementation of technology.
- Monitor and actively manage information in real time.
- Blockchain of data as a prevention and security tool.
In view of the situation of uncertainty described above, and in order to guarantee safety in our work centers, we have developed the following prevention measures focused on digitalization in the different areas of the work environment.
Health of people
- Management and access control of employees and customers, as well as implementation of measures to avoid contact
- Measuring body temperature
- Monitoring the use of personal protective equipment (masks, goggles…)
- Design of a special hygiene, disinfection and cleaning plan with display in digital environments
Flow of people
- Simulation and control of minimum interpersonal distance, which guarantees the activity and its functionality
- Definition and simulation of safe routes through the use of virtual reality
- Design and control of the circuits of entry and exit of goods and/or visits outside the activity
- Tool to identify and determine close contacts for warning situations
Space management
- Visualization of the spaces in 3D environment, allowing its optimal and fast reconfiguration in a dynamic way
- Creation and sizing of safe waiting areas indoors and outdoors, through the use of augmented reality
- Real-time data control and metrics associated with space, usage, density and capacity limits
- Surveillance and control of restricted risk areas, as well as the sending of alerts
Quality of the environment
- Improvement of air conditioning and ventilation systems, to adjust the parameters of air quality and renewal to the current situation
- Dynamic simulation of airflow to minimize dispersion
- Constant mapping of environmental parameters (temperature, humidity, …), with prior warning of possible risks
- Dimensioning and defining the compartmentalization of spaces and air systems, under safety parameters
Digital Management
- Greater autonomy in the operation and maintenance of assets, minimizing physical presence and personal contact
- Integration of movement data, sensors, equipment, installations, CMMS, Scada, etc, in the Digital Twin
- Visualization of all information superimposed on reality, in a 3D environment
- Broad and flexible exploitation of the data, for decision making and selection among multiple alternatives, with the application of artificial intelligence for prediction
- Digital communication channel and real time information, to transmit security and tranquility to people, in compliance with standards and recommendations
- Carry out training to workers and clients, in virtual environments, facilitating understanding and minimizing contact Corporate social responsibility and prevention of reputational risks
Digitalization and information management is the methodology that makes the difference in the management of your business.