Geoalcali (Highfield Resources) potash drying, compacting and glazing plant in Navarra/Aragón
Drying and compacting plant for floated and crystallized KCl to convert it into fertilizer by Geoalcali (Highfield Resoruces) in Mina Muga within the municipalities of Undués de Lerda and Urriés (Aragón) and Sangüesa and Javier (Navarra)
- Process stages: Drying. Compacted. Crushing and primary screening. Crushing and secondary screening. Curing and final screening
- Production capacity 465,000 tons/year of KCL
- Builded surface 4,130 m2 distributed over 7 levels
- Height 38m
Hired services:
- Basic project in BIM
- Detailed engineering project in BIM