GEOFIT Project

GEOFIT project, “Implementation of new geothermal systems, technologies and tools for the retrofitting of energy-efficient buildings”.


Geofit aims at the implementation of cost-effective Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) in energy efficient building retrofits. This involves the technical development of innovative EGS and their components, such as non-standard heat exchanger configurations, novel hybrid heat pump and electrically driven compression heat pump systems and a set of heating and cooling components to be integrated with the new GSHP concepts, all specially designed to be applied in energy efficient retrofit projects.

To make new EGS viable in energy efficient retrofitting of buildings, a set of tools and technologies are developed, including: low invasive risk assessment technologies, site inspection and construction site monitoring (SHM) techniques, cost-effective and optimised EGS control systems in the operation phase and new specific BIM-enabled tools for the management of geothermal-based retrofit works (GEOBIM platform). The project has a period of 4 years, during which it will integrate these technical developments within a new management framework based on Integrated Design and Delivery Solutions (IDDS). The IDDS-driven process will be materialised in the Geo-BIM Retrofit Management Platform (Geo-BIM tool).

Geofit is an industrial collaboration project for the Competitive Low-Carbon Energy Call under the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme (H2020).



This project has received funding from the European Union’s H2020 programme under Grant Agreement Nº 792210