HYBRIS Project

HYBRIS project will develop a hybrid battery energy storage system for microgrid applications.


HYBRIS, “Hybrid Battery energy storage system for applications in advanced grid and beHInd-de-meter systems segments”, aims at optimising systems as highly efficient, economical and sustainable hybrid solutions in micro-grid applications.

The project presents a fully systematic, collaborative and integrated approach for the development and deployment of an innovative hybrid storage system based on innovative batteries, combining diverse and complementary state-of-the-art TRL 5-6 technology assets contributed by leading industrialists, universities and RTOs, plus ICT tools for feasible and cost-effective optimisation and further market introduction. All this by demonstrating and validating its concepts in 3 use case applications in 3 pilot sites in 3 countries (Italy, Belgium and the Netherlands).

IDP, as project coordinator, will participate in all work packages, assisting in the integration of the technological system and the exploitation and transfer of knowledge. It will also lead the demonstration and evaluation of the whole system at the different HYBRIS demonstration sites.

HYBRIS is funded by the EU under the “Hybridisation of battery systems for stationary energy storage H2020-LC-BAT-9” call of the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation.



This project has received funding from the European Union’s H2020 programme under Grant Agreement No. 963652