PWDRON Project

The PWDron project develops an automated monitoring system for linear civil engineering infrastructures based on drones.


PWDron aims to develop a centralised automated monitoring system for the execution of linear civil works infrastructures (motorways, dual carriageways, roads, junctions, railway lines and stations, large-scale earthworks, slope stability and canalisation networks) based on technologically advanced drones, specifically developed within the framework of the project, as well as on an innovative technological platform for the exchange, processing and distribution of data.

The project has a total budget of 1 million euros over a period of one and a half years, during which it will focus on the development of an industrial grade autonomous data acquisition vehicle, the development of a 3D model generator tool and the associated point cloud and its integration into the system by creating a three-dimensional BIM model integrated with GIS technology to obtain a GeoBIM (geopositioned BIM) model, and the assembly of the automation of data acquisition, its processing as a digital model and the obtaining of results applicable to the requirements of the civil works.

PWDron is a collaborative industrial research, experimental development and innovation project promoted by the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI).



This project has been funded by the European Commission under Grant Agreement Exp. IDI-20170833