South Pan-American Highway Section from Ica to Quilca (Peru)
Duplication of the South Pan-American Highway – Ica-Quilca section (Peru), the largest road project carried out in BIM in Latin America
- Total length: 202,32 Km
- Duplication: 161,25 Km
- Overlap: 10,20 Km
- 4-lane variant: 9,93 km
- 2-lane variant: 20,94 km
- Number of structures: 12 with a total length of 1,976 m (2 double girder viaduct of 700 and 680 m length)
- Number of links: 31 (19 Ovals, 3 overpasses, 2 underpasses and 7 access wedges)
Hired services:
- Construction project in BIM