Challenges in the implementation of the digital work digital construction management

Challenges in the implementation of the digital work digital construction management


We are in the middle of a digital era and in the construction sector the implementation of digitalization is a great challenge.

The use of BIM methodology, with integrated planning and budgeting tools, and common data environments is becoming more and more widespread in the design phase. However, when we reach the construction phase we find new doubts that we do not always have answers to:

  • How can we obtain an “As Built” BIM model at the end of the work? What information must be in the model for its use in exploitation? Where do the technical data sheets go?
  • Who has the ownership of the model on site and which agent(s) should update it?
  • How are the stakeout plans integrated?
  • How are change orders managed? Who proposes them? Who validates them? Is there traceability? How are the elements involved isolated?
  • What is the relationship between the Model and the work certifications?
  • How can the model help in the planning of the work?
  • Where are all the answers to these questions gathered?
  • Which agents guarantee the compliance with the new protocols?
  • What technology do I need in the work? What platform do I implement? What sensorization do I install in the work?

These are just some of the questions. Once you start the work, new questions and obstacles arise that can be minimized with a correct work methodology and the appropriate digital platform.

As a result of our BIM experience on site and the “DIGITAL CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT” platform we have the answers.

We have a work methodology in contrasted work, which has undergone several iterations of improvement from each of the agents involved: Property, Project Manager, Faculty Management, Construction, Industrial, and consists of the following phases:

  • Approval of the BEP of the work, and training to all agents through the corresponding manual
  • Implement a common data environment (CDE), in cloud, collaborative for all the agents of the work
  • Transforming communications from traditional mailed minutes to action and incident management integrated with the BIM model (BCF)
  • Designate the figure of the person in charge on site of integration and updating of the different partial BIM models, located on site, for real time consultation
  • Monitoring the work using the BIM model integrated with the planning and budget
  • Integration of tool to give traceability to all actions undertaken, from the contract and throughout the work
  • We sensor the work, initially with cameras and access control
  • And finally, from the asbuilt BIM, we built the digital twin of the asset for use in operation and maintenance


Finally, we support the previous methodology, in addition to the market tools mentioned, in a DIGITAL CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT platform, which integrates all the key data, configuring itself as a Digital Control Center of the Work:

Digital Construction Management Platform

Are you ready to take your work to the next level? Let us help you, using your next piece as a proof of concept.

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