The role of engineering in sustainable development

The role of engineering in sustainable development

On March 4th, the World Day of Engineering for Sustainable Development will be celebrated as an international UNESCO day of celebration of engineers and engineering with the aim of making visible and raising awareness of the importance of the engineering sector to meet the challenges that the future holds for us in terms of environment and sustainable development.

In what concrete actions is engineering key to the ODS?

Engineering has a fundamental role for the future of humanity by developing new technologies and methods for the protection of the planet and our societies and, in this sense, it plays a key role in meeting the Sustainable Development Goals established by the UN. The sectors in which engineering is important to achieve the aforementioned compliance are as follows:

  • Pacifism and justice. Engineers are developing technologies and systems to reinforce the SDGs on such important issues as water supply, energy and the environment. These activities are essential for moving towards a more just and inclusive world.
  • Climate change. This sector is also essential in the fight against the effects of climate change (floods, forest fires, etc.). The design and construction of resilient infrastructure is key in this fight.
  • Technology. These professionals are needed in the development of inclusive and innovative technologies. The systems we are developing because of our commitment to the SDGs have the sole objective of ensuring fully equitable access to technology for women, as well as in rural areas.

The construction sector has important challenges to meet in order to mitigate its environmental impact, such as reducing the consumption of natural waste, reducing atmospheric emissions or minimizing the waste generated in the construction process. In order to achieve these objectives, it is necessary to count on the collaboration of all the agents involved in the different stages of an asset’s life cycle and to use the appropriate methodologies.

BIM (Building Information Modeling)

From our position as an engineering firm with more than 20 years of experience, we are convinced that the BIM (Building Information Modeling) methodology is the key to achieving the SDGs, as it contributes to ensure that building or construction projects are carried out based on the strictest sustainable criteria. BIM methodology ensures greater efficiency in the management of projects and the use of natural resources.

The BIM model manages the detailed and real-time information of an infrastructure of any type, including data related to the design or maintenance of the infrastructure. The objective we pursue in its use is to avoid the loss of material resources during the construction process of the project, reducing unnecessary costs and deviations from the execution deadlines, and achieving an optimal management of resources during the complete life cycle of a building or any other infrastructure.

Engineering for sustainable development is one of the hallmarks of the work done by IDP, therefore, you only have to contact us if you want to know the projects we carry out.