Where to start in my Digitization?

The first is the first. Gartner, in 2022, in his report, notes that “50% of CEOs and 69% of boards of directors demand an accelerated growth and operational excellence”. In the same report, also points out that companies that adopt excellence in their operations: a)Corporate profitability 2’8 times higher, b) Operating efficiency 1’7 times higher… C) But only 7% of companies are in that stage at the present time.
At present, in which there is a maelstrom of technologies avilable to customers, for almost any use imaginable, where excellence in operations is also imperative, as Gartner points out, it’s mandatory to embrace technologies to achieve the objectives corporate. But where to start?
It’s evident that the mere use of technology doesn’t solve existing problems or improve operational ratios or KPIs. It’s absolutely essential to know the corporate objectives and identify the available technologies to achieve alignment between the two, the implementation of the solution, and the achievement of the ratios or objectives pursued. For all this, it’s necessary to have specialists who know both the client’s business and the technologies that make business optimization posible
IDP is a specialist in BIM and Digital Twin technologies, applied to the Industry. We have a consolidated methodology in more tan 8.000 BIM projects and more tan 200 Digital Twins, which is defined in three steps:
- Analyze the current situation
- Processes
- Organitzation
- Technologies
- Define the strategy to follow
- Information (Architecture, Coding, EIR)
- Processes (Information flows in Project, work or operation)
- Technologies (CDE, management tolos, Project and construction tolos, maintenance and operation tolos, GIS-BIM-GMAO integration)
- Act on defined plans to
- Audit for projects
- Project management
- Customer training, supplies,
- Data maintenance and updating
La aplicación de esta metodología conseguirá que la adopción de la tecnología venga asegurada por un enfoque correcto y que la implantación BIM o Digital Twin posterior sea un éxito. Y que el proyecto posterior esté correctamente dimensionado y con objetivos creíbles, medibles y realistas.
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