IDP will direct the work for the construction of a new vessel at the controlled deposit of Orís

IDP will direct the work for the construction of a new vessel at the controlled deposit of Orís

The Urban Waste Management Consortium of Osona has awarded IDP with the facultative work direction for the construction of a new vessel at the municipal controlled deposit of Orís (Bracelona), which will have an approximate investment of 1.9 million US$.

IDP’s integral services will include the works direction, the works materials execution direction, the time schedule planning, the quality control tests, the measurements and drawing up studies for the economic monitoring, the certificates emission, the as-built project elaboration, etc… until the formal end of the works and the new vessel start up with total guarantees and the adaptation to the European waste directives and adaption to the Catalan and Spanish laws.

This works are in the frame of the Catalan General Program for Waste and Resources Prevention and Management 2013-2020 (PRECAT20) and the Catalan Municipal Waste Management Infrastructure Territorial and Sectorial Plan 2013-2020 (PINFRECAT20). It also means the execution of the third stage expansion of the ‘B’ vessel of the Municipal Controlled Deposit of Orís, in the Osona region, which is close to the recently opened Osona and Ripollés Waste Treatment Center, whose facultative direction has also been carried out by IDP. With the start up of the facilities the environmental and social impact has been reduced to the minimum and the deposit life cycle has been enlarged.

With this performance IDP consolidates as an engineering and consultancy global leader in the waste management field with performances in Spain, Brazil, Peru, Mexico, Guyana, Trinidad & Tobago, Bolivia, etc.