HYPERGRID, “Hybrid coupled networks for thermal-electric integrated smart energy Districts”, aims to develop a set of cost-effective, replicable and scalable technical solutions to enable the integration of technologies based on renewable energy sources (RES) within thermal grids, as well as their link with electricity grids.
It includes the development of innovative key components, in parallel with innovative and integrated ICT services, consisting of a scalable set of tools for the proper handling of the increasing complexity of systems from building to Local Energy Community (LEC) levels to accelerate the sustainable transformation, planning and modernisation of district heating and cooling (DHC) networks towards the fourth and fifth generation. HYPERGRYD also aims to develop real-time management of electrical and thermal energy flows in the complex of coupled energy networks, including the synergies between them.
During the project, HYPERGRYD solutions will be implemented in 4 live-in-labs (LiLs) in 3 representative climates and use cases provided by the consortium, with special consideration given to their cost-effectiveness and potential replicability.
IDP is leading work package 4, taking care of the development of the BIM-GIS-based HYPERGRYD PaaS and the integration of other tools/services as well as heterogeneous data/information through an ICT environment and open APIs and visualisation tools.
HYPERGRYD is funded by the EU under the “H2020-LC-GD-2020” call of the RIA Framework Programme for Research and Innovation.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s H2020 programme under Grant Agreement Nº 101036656