Installations generating thermal energy through forest biomass boilers in Berguedà

Thermal energy generation facilities using forest biomass boilers to provide the energy required by 31 public facilities in six municipalities of Berguedà (Bagà, Berga, Cercs, Gósol, La Pobla de Lillet and Saldes).
The expected biomass consumption is 1,200 t/year of forest chips, coming from the management of the forests of the villages that are part of this project.
- 13 boilers with capacities ranging from 45 kW to 1,000 kW to supply DHW and heating to 32 buildings in 6 towns in the Berguedà
- 4,500 kW installed, coming from 7 installations and 7 are heat networks with a total of 5 km of piping
Hired services:
- Basic project in BIM
- Executive project in BIM
- Construction management and start up in BIM