Royal Decree 56/2016 entered into effect to regulate energy efficiency

Royal Decree 56/2016 entered into effect to regulate energy efficiency

Royal Decree 56/2016 entered into effect on February 12th, 2016 in order to regulate energy efficiency by big companies (more than 50M€ incoming or more than 250 workers) by doing an energy auditory within the next 9 months.

IDP is a engineering and energy efficiency company that carries out Energy Certification projects for more than 5 years. We difference ourselves because we are specialized on Big Industry, with several success cases from manufacturing companies, automobile companies, big logistics, mining, paper production, materials production, etc. 

Thanks to this specialization we offer effective solutions to the industry needs, performing audits with more than 70% of approved improvements that have been recommended by IDP and a return period inferior to 2 years in several cases.

IDP confirms its compromise with the quality and the established controls by the international laws, positioning at a competitive position and aligned with worldwide best practices.