IDP associates with the Spanish Construction Technology Platform
IDP is associated with PTEC, the Spanish Construction Technology Platform, an association open to companies linked to the construction sector whose objective is to contribute to the improvement of the construction sector through cooperation between companies, business associations, universities, research centres, technology centres and clients in terms of research, development and innovation.
Among its activities PTEC organizes several workshops, conferences and debate forums to promote interaction between the Authorities and the different actors in the field of R+D+i. It also has 10 working groups in charge of defining and developing activities to promote R&D&I initiatives at national and international level.
IDP participates in the technological group IoT/Digital twins, whose main objective is to promote R+D+i in the construction sector in the field of IoT and Digital Twin technology, identifying cases of use and opportunities and analysing the advantages that these techniques can bring to the sector, converging with the objectives of the H2020 EU SPHERE project, coordinated by IDP.
The objective of IDP with its entry in PTEC is to add synergies, knowledge and experiences that allow to improve the competitiveness of our industries.