We participate in the fourth edition of the International Congress Building Digital Twin (BDTIC)
The International Building Digital Twin Congress (BDTIC) celebrates its fourth edition on April 17 in Barcelona (Spain). Organized by the Building Digital Twin Association (BDTA) in collaboration with EUnet4DBP, this event has established itself as a benchmark in the field of Digital Twins in the construction industry.
The Congress will be held in hybrid mode, following the format of previous editions. This year, it will be held at the COAC (Col-legi Oficial d’Arquitectes de Catalunya) in Barcelona and the presentations can be followed via streaming.
During the morning, prior to the start of the congress, different workshops have been organized to offer a unique opportunity for interaction and additional learning. From 14h, attendees will have access to an excellent program with more than 20 leading speakers in the field of Digital Twin, with unpublished presentations of 10 minutes and two round tables to address issues of Digital Twins of civil infrastructures, use cases of Digital Twin and European R & D projects aimed at this field.
Among the novelties of this year, highlights the collaboration with the EUNet4DBP to promote the advancement of digital works licenses thanks to the Digital Twins in the built environment and its event DBP’24 (Digital Building Permit conference 2024) that will take place on April 18 and 19, 2024 in Barcelona.
For more information and to purchase your tickets, you can visit the official BDTA website: https://buildingdigitaltwin.org/bdtic-2024/#about-the-event