We celebrate the world day for safety and health at work

April 28 marks the World Day for Safety and Health at Work, proclaimed by the International Labor Organization (ILO), with the aim of promoting safe, healthy and decent work, in addition to paying tribute to the victims of work accidents and occupational diseases. This year it is celebrated under the motto: “Acting together to build a positive health and safety culture.”
Occupational Health is a multidisciplinary activity that promotes the reduction and/or elimination of risk factors (accidents and illnesses) within the workplace, in the workplace and in the tasks performed by workers. Working conditions and organization are taken into account. The different areas involved in the protection and promotion of health are; Safety at Work, Industrial Hygiene, Ergonomics and Psychosociology.
We are convinced that commitment and responsibility at all levels of the company and continuous training in health and safety is the only way to provide effective protection to workers with the goal of Zero Accidents at work. .
For this reason, at the IDP Group we rigorously apply a series of preventive measures to ensure the Health and Safety at work of all our staff:
1.Exercise of Responsibility of all.
The Covid-19 pandemic has altered the work routine with new and changing prevention measures in terms of Health and Safety to ensure everyone’s well-being. In this sense, our maximum commitment is to ensure the Health and Safety of the Group team, applying at all times the guidelines established by the health authorities and providing the necessary safety and hygiene elements to prevent contagion.
2. Organizational measure: Detect irregularities
We have a procedure based on an exhaustive check list that allows us to control the processes to guarantee that all the guidelines are met to reduce the risks and damages that professionals may suffer in the labor field. In this way we detect irregularities and allow us to anticipate and resolve them. Through this checklist we do not forget anything essential in the process.
- Ensures the execution of activities in a sequential manner
- It can be used as a basic guide to execute the processes
- It’s done systematically since it focuses on what is established and not on memory
- Allows leaving evidence of the results of the execution for later evaluations
- Protocolo on Prevention of Occupational Risks
3. Training and information
All Group personnel receive training adapted to their job so that they know and detect the risks that may occur in their work environment.
- Construction Personnel
The personnel who go to work receive additional training to know the risks associated with safety in their work. Although the law does not require it, we are committed to carrying out recycling training every 5 years to reinforce concepts.
- Road safety
According to the National Institute of Safety and Hygiene at Work, 11% of all work accidents that occur are traffic accidents.
We offer all workers road safety training to be able to analyze and manage safety due to the use of vehicles on the road as a result of work activity. It is formed on the risk factors in driving (human, vehicle and roads).
4. Medical Examinations
The Group offers periodic individual health surveillance to all personnel, who may voluntarily accept or reject it. However, it may be mandatory to do so in some exception contemplated in article 22 of the Law on Prevention of Occupational Risks.
5. Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)
To protect workers from one or more risks that may threaten their safety or health, we make different PPE available to them, according to their activity. They are used for the protection of the worker, creating a barrier or shield between one or several parts of the body and the risk, so that it is protected or damage is avoided/reduced. All these measures are guaranteed by an Integrated Management System that ensures that the measures and protocols regarding Occupational Health and Safety are maintained.
Prevent Risks in the Work Centers,
It’s everyone’s task!