
BIM Facility Management for asset management, operational optimisation and decarbonisation

In a world increasingly focused on sustainability and efficiency, asset management has become a fundamental pillar for organisations. In this context, BIM Facility Management emerges as a revolutionary solution to efficiently inventory the geometric and parametric data of assets, building databases and applications that allow to effectively integrate this data. OPTIMISATION IN ALL ASSET LIFECYCLES […]


Government approves BIM plan for public procurement to improve spending efficiency

Yesterday, 27 June 2023, the Council of Ministers approved the Plan for the incorporation of the BIM methodology in public construction contracts of the General State Administration (AGE) and the state public sector between 2024 and 2030. The use of BIM in public procurement pursues a twofold objective: to improve the efficiency of public spending […]


Industries 360º transformation “Industry 5.0”

We help our clients to transform their industries 360º, focusing on the RESILIENCE of the facilities, through their PROCESSES, on their ENERGY needs with a DECARBONIZATION vision, and on their DIGITALIZATION to monitor and learn from their operation. Industrial sectors are today under great pressure from many fronts, the following being some of the main […]


Where to start in my Digitization?

The first is the first. Gartner, in 2022, in his report, notes that “50% of CEOs and 69% of boards of directors demand an accelerated growth and operational excellence”. In the same report, also points out that companies that adopt excellence in their operations: a)Corporate profitability 2’8 times higher, b) Operating efficiency 1’7 times higher… […]


BIM Starter kit start the digital transformation of your assets with BIM support in your administration department

The BIM (Building Information Modeling) methodology has meant a paradigm shift in asset management, in all its phases from design and construction to operation, being essential to optimize efficiency and not lose competitiveness. Digitization involves a transformation of the way of projecting, designing, operating and maintaining the assets of an organization, providing multiple benefits that […]


Achieve greater efficiency and savings by digitising your assets

According to the most relevant analysts in the market, Digitalisation is the key to a major leap in digital strategy and the guarantee of achieving efficiencies within asset management: 32% of Spanish industrial companies are in an advanced state of 76% of executives intend to increase their investments in digitisation and implement more Industry 4.0 […]


Digitalization as a key factor in advancing towards sustainability and compliance with the SDG

At this time of major environmental changes, the companies that will lead these changes will be those that, based on DIGITALIZATION, develop new capabilities based on information derived from key data. In this way, they will be able to advance in the objectives of SUSTAINABILITY, such as managing their carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emissions, […]


GIM already has a Digital-BIM Twin

Together with TCMAN we have brought BIM to facility management through the DTWIN digital twins integrated in GIM. We have established a partnership in which two market-leading tools have been integrated: GIM, which is TCMAN’s prestigious and widespread CMMS, and DTWIN, which is our innovative BIM Digital Twin platform. BIM methodology is increasingly being used […]

Dia Mundial de la Ingenieria_BLOG

The role of engineering in sustainable development

On March 4th, the World Day of Engineering for Sustainable Development will be celebrated as an international UNESCO day of celebration of engineers and engineering with the aim of making visible and raising awareness of the importance of the engineering sector to meet the challenges that the future holds for us in terms of environment […]


Consulting Covid-19

Manage a new reality with a vision The situation we are going through because of the Covid-19 pandemic is testing the resilience of all systems and companies, which have to manage their activity in a new reality under great pressure. The top priority for institutions and companies is to guarantee the safety and health of […]


Challenges in the implementation of the digital work digital construction management

DIGITAL CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT We are in the middle of a digital era and in the construction sector the implementation of digitalization is a great challenge. The use of BIM methodology, with integrated planning and budgeting tools, and common data environments is becoming more and more widespread in the design phase. However, when we reach the […]


Digital Twin Building: How to transfer digital twins to the AECOO sector

In the last decade, the construction sector has made great efforts to digitise its processes and has experienced an unprecedented evolution, great advances emerging which have boosted the sector. One of these advances has been the implementation of BIM methodology worldwide, which has recently reached an important milestone with the creation of the international standard […]


The Digital Twin for digital transformation in the pharmaceutical industry

The digital revolution has impacted all areas of our society and is rapidly changing the needs of individuals and businesses and, with them, the economic and industrial reality known to date. This scenario poses new opportunities in all areas, however, digital penetration in the pharmaceutical sector is lower compared to other sectors. The pharmaceutical industry […]


Digital Construction Management: Implementation of the digital construction

We are in the middle of a digital era and the implementation of digitalization is a great challenge in the construction sector. The use of BIM methodology with integrated planning and budgeting tools is increasingly widespread in the early stages of design. However, when we reach the construction stage, we find new needs that are […]


Smart BIM: C-32 road success casse

On 20 November we presented the conference “SMART BIM: ROAD C32 CASE” at the SmartCatalonia agora, around the Smart City Expo World Congress 2019 held in Barcelona. During the session, the BIM model of the C-32 motorway extension construction project was presented. The motorway is located in the northeast of Catalonia crossing the coastal mountain […]

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We build the Digital Twin of your assets for the optimisation of operation and maintenance processes

The Digital Twin is an accurate representation of the physical asset, both at data and geometry levels, which incorporates data of the asset’s real behaviour from sensors’ information and different operation and maintenance databases. Thus, the Digital Twin becomes a tool that can simulate future behaviour and, therefore, allowing a more effective management of these […]


Why implant BIM in your company?

The BIM methodology (Building Information Modelling) has meant a paradigm change in the concept of project projection and management. It is a leap forward in the evolution towards excellence and technification of the construction process, like the leap that took place with CAD systems (computer-aided design) in comparison with the pencil drawing manual. The advantages […]


IDP successfully implets the BIMCollab collaborative system in the development of projects

IDP successfully implements a BIM collaborative system in major projects. We can highlight our leadership in the BIM implementation within the Bershka retail chain for the INDITEX group and large infrastructure projects such as the AVO highways for the concession company Américo Vespucio Oriente, S.A. in Chile, among others. Adjusted deadlines and a large volume […]


DYNAMO: Programming for REVIT

The IDP team organizes weekly different days of internal training, led and presented by the employees themselves, who aim to educate the team the importance of collaborating and sharing information and expanding our knowledge in different subjects ranging from the most technical and focused on knowledge of software and methodologies to more cross-cutting move materials management, […]

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Integration of the circular economy

The circular economy is a sustainable development strategy that has been proposed to address problems of environmental degradation and scarcity of resources. Its three principles are the reduction, reuse and recycling of materials. These principles propose a circular system where all materials are recycled, all energy is obtained from renewable sources, the reconstruction of ecosystems […]


Laser scanning for the digitalization of assets

The survey of the point cloud consists of a laser scan that allows us to quickly, accurately and in high definition capture 3D data in the form of a point cloud that will help us create a parametric 3D BIM model, creating a precise basis for the subsequent modeling of the built environment. Our goal […]


BIM as a Risk Management tool

IDP has participated in the program “BIM 360º an integral vision” organized by the Catalan Civil Engineers’ Association, where civil engineering experts gathered to analyse, from different points of view, what key factors are transforming the sector. Those attending the conference have learnt about the latest developments in the industry, the challenges and opportunities foreseen […]


Methodology for urban services’ feasibility analysis through GEOBIM technology

Historically, public services that have been most successful in their operation have been those that in their planning have better adapted to citizens, urban environment, culture and demographic inertia. A clear example of this are the water and electricity basic services, which arrive proportionally to the areas of consumption and their rates are generally proportional […]


BIM interface for data management in an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)

An ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is a management information system that integrates and manages many of the businesses associated with production operations and distribution aspects of a company in the production of goods or services. ERP systems facilitate workflow tracking across multiple departments and reduce the operational costs involved in manual tracking and data duplication. […]


BCF (BIM Collaboration Format) for the development OF BIM projects in collaborative environments

Factors such as internationalization, the greater specialization of professionals and an increase in the complexity of development (both in design and in construction), are demanding fluency in communication and greater collaboration in the processes to all agents involved. BIM is a communication enabler between agents and, regarding traditional methods of collaboration, it channels and maximizes […]


BIM: Paradigm shift in the fields of engineering, architecture and construction

BIM is a work methodology, standing on specialised software for the development and management of projects which allows designing, planning, organising and managing the construction carrying out, integrating all the information in a 3D model (surroundings, buildings, structures, installations, schedules, costs, etc.). The model is prepared simultaneously for different specialists and contains all the necessary […]


The laser scanning to model existing buildings

BIM (Building Information Modelling) methodology is getting into the building designing more and more. It is also turning out into an inevitable rise of the demand of existing buildings’ BIM models. This brings up the following question: Which is the most efficient method to model existing buildings? Laser scanning seems to be the ideal solution. […]


Management of spaces during project design phase

The management of spaces is a critical issue during the design phase of a project, whatever its functional programme is. In general terms, such functional programme is defined in an Excel that goes through continuous surface area changes as well as modifications in other fields such as the department, the occupation of each premise and […]


AUTODESK REVIT API – Application Programming Interface

The REVIT API “Application Programming Interface” allows users and developers to expand an existing application’s capacities through the writing of a program or script that adds a new functionality into the software. Autodesk Revit API allows programmers to change the BIM elements directly or to access data to carry out specialised tasks. Through the use […]


BIM 5D for the management of costs

BIM is a tool that revolutionizes the construction sector with very significant savings as it puts all works’ actors online, from the architect to the supplier, allowing a reduction of the deviations to the minimum, regarding both time and costs. In addition, it allows having a more efficient collaborative and transparent model. Within BIM methodology, […]


Generation of complex families in REVIT from a Point Cloud

The use of laser scanning or point cloud systems is more and more common in the architecture and engineering scope. This new format of information, more complete and accurate, helps us to better understand the development and generation of our projects. Basically, it is used to document the actual state of the asset to be […]


IDP implants a BIM Modelling standardization for ITS MEP REVIT users

The necessity of an intern standardization comes directly from the requirements of working with BIM methodology in an international company like the IDP Group, composed by multiple offices in different countries. In this frame, in order to guarantee success and obtain quality models, it is necessary that all the modelers work on an organized way […]

BIM Vertederos

BIM technology integration in the “Landfill Engineering” projects development

LANDFILL ENGINEERING The term “Landfill Engineering” refers to a part of a new scientific-technological discipline developed since the end of the twentieth century: Environmental Geotechnology. In the recent years, the progress in the development of waste treatment projects (new treatment plants or technological and process improvements) has been reflected to a lesser extent in construction, […]

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IDP awarded with the BIM in detail engineering of the Glorias tunnels (Barcelona)

The consortium composed by the Rogasa, Arnó, Copisa & Comsa companies has awarded IDP to carry put the technical assistance for the development of the BIM in detail engineering works of the tunnels at the Glorias Square between the Badajoz & Castillejos streets, with an works execution price of 54.586.700 US$ (VAT not included) and […]

mejora civilcad

CivilCAD introduces a new improvement proposed by IDP

CivilCAD introduces a new improvement proposed by IDP, set in the programme within the module of stirrups; improves the definition and three-dimensional management of the overall reinforcement. A new reinforcement generator has been introduced in the programme that defines the exact three-dimensional place of each of the reinforcement rods planned in the structure. The real […]


IDP developes the Jaume Viladoms educational center renewal IN Sabadell (Barcelona)

IDP has developed the engineering and architecture works for the construction and start up of the new Private Educational Center for the Education Services Collaboration Network (JAUME VILADOMS) in Sabadell (Barcelona). The performance has turned an old industrial building into a new modern educational center, combining its use to educational equipment and rehabilitating it integrally. […]